We are
going to describe our friend Carmen Cañestro. She is sixteen years old and she
was born in Málaga.
She is good-looking and short,
her hair is straight, light and brown,
and her eye colour is green, they are very beautiful. She is always smiling,
and after a few years wearing tooth brace her
smile is perfect. She has a chubby-cheeked face and rosy cheeks, beside her noise isn´t a flat
nose but neither a lopsided.
She is very funny and joker and you never get bored with
her. Carmen is really outgoing that's the reason why she has a lot of friends because she is very sociable.
However she is shy and she always goes red when she gets embarrassed. She isn’t
rude, arrogant and posh. In fact she is one of the most honest and nice person that
I’ve ever known.
Carmen is a trendy person because she loves fashion, also she loves singing and playing the guitar.
All in all we’re glad to have Carmen like our friend
and sure that this friendship is going to be forever.