martes, 17 de abril de 2018


The global warming is increasing, the poles are melting, there are so many trees cut down... we are destroying the world, so what can we do to avoid this?

Nowadays, new generations are more conscious about the consequences of their acts, and the problems they will have to face if they don't preserve the environment. Furthermore, people usually think that big efforts are needed to look after the environment; nevertheless, the truth is that they can help with little daily things, such as recycling or not dropping papers to the floor.

In addition, the government should increase the number of campaigns to raise awareness like organizing competitions at schools and city halls. In order to this, the government must look for other alternatives as reducing pollution, save energy or increase movements by public transport.

To sum up, we would like to remember that preserving the environment is possible if  government and population work together.

martes, 20 de febrero de 2018


Nowadays people are starting to be conscious about the importance of having a healthy lifestyle. However, there are still so many people who continue having bad habits, that is why it is important to show people that there are so many ways to keep healthy.

First of all, the most important thing is to have a varied alimentation, sometimes we don’t have to be on a diet , which can be very dangerous for our health, if we do exercise and keep a healthy lifestyle such as no smoking or drinking alcohol. Furthermore our society helped us by becoming eating healthy a trend with influencers and the social media.

In conclusion, we have to stay healthy not only for our physical but also because of our mind if we keep fit we will feel better and we will live longer and happier.

martes, 30 de enero de 2018

Nowadays boys and girls have the same opportunities in life:

Women have been fighting for many years for being recognized in the society and for having the same opportunities than boys. As a consequence of this, girls have improved a lot their situation,  but  there are still a lot of things to do.

Firstly, one of the more evident examples of these inequalities, is the salary. In many business women earn less than  men for the same work. Furthermore, there are not many women in the highest positions, though they are normally more qualified than men. Another example where we can see a situation of inequality is in the sports. The women's ones are not appreciated and they are considerated less important. However, in  developed countries boys and girls almost have the same opportunities in comparation with the undeveloped ones.

In a nutshell, this is a very important problem in our society and we need to solve it as soon as possible because both genders deserve the same opportunities. 

martes, 31 de octubre de 2017

Do you think you are a lucky person?

We think that we are lucky when good things happen to us. Normally people think that luck is only connected with fame and wealth, when the real one consists in having a good family and friends, having health, or being able to go to school or to have a good job.

Firstly, it is obvious that a person can be more lucky than another. However, some peolpe think that they aren´t lucky, when they really are. The problem is that they don't apreciate the things they have, and they always want more.

Although you try to control it throgh a good luck charm, or reading your horoscope, it is impossible to be prepared to things that could happen to you in the future. Nevertheless, luck is something that you can´t manage because it doesn't deppend on you.

To sum up, we believe that people in general are more lucky than they think, the key is to be able to apreciate it and to be positive, but we also have to be conscious that a lot of things that happen to us don't deppend on us, it's just  luck.

miércoles, 4 de octubre de 2017

                                             What do you think about viral videos?
Although viral videos are widely known around the world, due to its huge number of visits this excess of fame isn’t always good. 
First of all, the most popular platform where these videos become viral is youtube, in this place everybody can upload any video. Besides, there are more like instagram or facebook. As consecuence of this sucess the person who has created the video usually earns a lot of money. 
In our opinion these viral videos can be very dangerous because they have a big influence on us, so when someone watchs a video, which shows a risky activity like balconing,  tends to try to imitate it. However on the other hand, this fame, can be used for some good action, for example raising money for charity like the ice bucket challenge.
To sum up, we think that viral videos are good meanwhile people take care of the contents they upload, because they can be seen by a lot of people.

jueves, 27 de abril de 2017


Nobody can say that social media are not useful. however not everybody knows how to use them with responsability and it can produce disadvantages.

On the one hand, social media can connect you with your relatives and friends who live abroad, it's a great opportunity to meet new people. In addition it's a new form to make you know around the world. Furthermore, nowadays thanks to social media we are able to get informed faster about the things that are happening in the world.

In contrast, social media can be dangerous since you can be hooked to them and it could be unhealthy, because people instead of going outside stay at home using social media. Besides, it can make you isolated as you get involved with them.

To sump up, we think that social media are a very good and an useful tool, but it is important to use them properly to avoid the dangers that they can bring.

jueves, 16 de febrero de 2017

All students should spend a year  studying abroad

Nowadays languages are really important, so we think that one of the best ways to learn  is studying abroad. Some of the most popular countries which people choose to live abroad are USA, England or Ireland.

Some of the advantages of studying abroad is that it provides the opportunity to travel, because it's the best option for knowing different contries and people. Furthermore, studying abroad allows you to know better other cultures, because when you go to other places you don't have just to learn the language, but also you learn about their customs, habits, foods, etc. Besides, this experience makes you more independent  and helps you to learn about yourself. Another advantage is that it will help you  develop your skills, because you have to learn how to cook or do the housework.

To sump up, we would like to say that we think this is an oportunity you can't miss. It is an incredible experience and all students should live it at least once in their lives.